12 Exciting Ideas for Your Cake Smash Photos

Sep 15, 2023 | Cake Smash Photography Blog

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Hey there, I’m Amanda Dams, an award-winning professional cake smash photographer based right here in the beautiful city of Calgary. Over the years, I’ve had the pleasure of capturing countless adorable cake smash moments, and today, I’m excited to share 12 fantastic ideas for what you can do with those priceless cake smash photos. So, if you’re a proud parent with a little one, keep reading for creative ways to make the most of these adorable memories.

  1. Create a Stunning Photo Album

  2. One of the most timeless and cherished ways to immortalize your baby’s cake smash photos is by compiling them into a stunning photo album. We work with one of the best professional labs in the world to offer our clients with nothing but the best products. Our premium acrylic album comes in many different materials and colours for you to choose from.

    Moreover, a physical album is a wonderful heirloom that can be passed down through generations, connecting your family’s history. Your child will one day have the opportunity to leaf through the pages of their first birthday cake smash, experiencing the mess and the love that surrounded them on that special day.
    Baby Photography Premium Acrylic Album

  1. Design Personalized Thank-You Cards

  2. Expressing gratitude is a heartfelt gesture, and it becomes even more special when you can do it with personalized thank-you cards featuring your baby’s cake smash photos. These cards are a great way to show appreciation to your friends and family for joining in the celebration of your child’s milestone. Each card becomes a mini-masterpiece, offering a peek into the joy of the occasion.

    These cards serve as a memento of a wonderful day shared with loved ones. When your friends and family receive these cards, they’ll be touched by the thoughtfulness and charm. It’s a small yet meaningful way to share the happiness of your baby’s first birthday, and it’s sure to bring smiles to those who receive these tokens of appreciation.

  1. Decorate the Nursery

  2. Your baby’s nursery is more than just a room; it’s a haven of love and warmth. One incredibly heartwarming idea is to decorate the nursery with cake smash photos of your little one. Picture your child growing up surrounded by these images, creating a sense of belonging and security in their own space. The walls of the nursery become a gallery of your baby’s precious moments, inviting smiles every time you enter.

    As a parent, you’ll find immense comfort in these photos as you watch your child grow. They’ll serve as a reminder of the fleeting moments of babyhood, capturing your little one’s innocence and happiness. These photos become more than just decorations; they become a part of your family’s story, bringing emotions and memories as you witness your child’s growth.
    Nursery Cake Smash Photography Frames

  1. Custom Wall Art for Home Decor

  2. Turn the cake smash photos into stunning wall art that will beautify your home with love and charm. We custom design wall art for our clients’ homes so they can have an idea of how it is going to look before ordering. Whether you opt for a single large wall art or create a collage of smaller ones, these artworks become focal points in your living space, and we provide free installation on all wall art purchased from our photo studio. Imagine walking into your home and being greeted by the sight of your little one’s infectious smile and cake-covered hands – it’s an instant mood lifter.

    Each photo tells a story, capturing the essence of that delightful cake smash session. You can choose to display the wall art in the living room, bedroom, or even the hallway, allowing you to relive the magic of your baby’s first birthday celebration every day. Our handmade custom-framed wall art is designed to seamlessly integrate into the aesthetic of your home.
    Amanda Dams Photography Cake Smash Talon 29

  1. Design a Photo Calendar

  2. To add a daily dose of happiness to your life, consider creating a photo calendar featuring your baby’s cake smash photos. It’s a practical way to cherish those adorable memories throughout the year. Each month, as you flip to a new page, you’ll be greeted by the irresistible charm of your little one covered in cake, reminding you of that joyous day.

    Furthermore, photo calendars make fantastic gifts for grandparents and other family members who want to share in your child’s first birthday. They can hang these calendars in their homes, counting down the days until the next visit with their beloved grandchild.

  1. Share on Social Media

  2. In today’s digital age, social media platforms offer an exciting way to share your baby’s cake smash photos with friends and family, both near and far. Create a post or even a short video montage to show the essence of the moment. Share your child’s laughter, the cake-covered smiles, and the fun from that special day.

    Amanda Dams Photography Cake Smash Kian 14

    The beauty of social media is that it allows you to connect with loved ones effortlessly. Your cake smash photos will elicit joy and admiration from your online community, creating a virtual celebration of your child’s milestone. Friends and family will be able to comment, like, and share, turning your baby’s cake smash into a shared experience that brings people closer. It’s a fantastic way to spread joy and let your loved ones participate in the celebration, no matter where they are in the world.

  1. Make a Photo Puzzle

  2. For a unique and interactive keepsake, consider turning a cake smash photo into a custom puzzle. Puzzles are not only entertaining but also a fantastic way to bond with your child as they grow and develop. Imagine sitting down together, solving the puzzle, and reliving the excitement of that cake-filled experience.

  3. Framed Art for Grandparents

  4. Grandparents love their little bundles of joy, and they’ll treasure cake smash photos as much as you do. Create framed artwork using your baby’s cake smash photos and gift it to them as a heartfelt gesture. Every time they look at these framed pictures, they’ll be transported back to that special day.

    Grandparents often talk about the joy of being grandparents, and these framed artworks will amplify that joy tenfold. It’s a way to express your gratitude and affection while also giving them a beautiful keepsake that will hold a special place in their hearts.

  1. Personalized Photo Blanket

  2. Imagine snuggling up with your baby under a cozy blanket decorated with their cake smash photos. Personalized photo blankets are a unique way to showcase those sweet moments. As your child grows, they’ll form a special bond with this blanket, recognizing themselves in those beautiful images. It becomes a source of comfort and security, a possession that travels with them through their growth and discovery.

  3. Baby’s First Birthday Party Invitations

  4. When planning your baby’s first birthday party, use cake smash photos on the invitations. These invites will set the tone for a memorable celebration and give your guests a sneak peek into the cuteness that awaits them. It’s a great way to build anticipation for the big day and share the joy of your child’s milestone.

    Amanda Dams Photography Cake Smash Photography Jungle Theme For Girls

    These invitations become keepsakes in themselves, providing a peek into your child’s journey. When guests receive them, they’ll feel the excitement that surrounds your baby’s first birthday. The use of cake smash photos on the invitations not only adds a personal touch but also ensures that the celebration begins before the actual party does. It’s a creative and heartwarming way to make your baby’s birthday party even more special.

  1. Celebrate Milestones with Photo Comparisons

  2. As your child grows, creating a series of cake smash photos to capture each milestone becomes a tradition. Compile these photos into a comparison collage, allowing you to see how your baby has grown and changed over the months and years. It’s incredible to witness the transformation from a cake-covered one-year-old to a thriving toddler.
    Amanda Dams Photography Cake Smash Photography Calgary Sagalreet Watercolour Looking At The Camera

  3. Create a Time Capsule

  4. Last but certainly not least, consider making a time capsule with your cake smash photos and other baby memorabilia. Bury it in your backyard or store it in a safe place, and set a date to open it in the future. This unique tradition allows you and your child to relive those precious moments and reflect on how much has changed over time.

    A time capsule is a gift to your future selves, a way to reconnect with the past and marvel at the journey you’ve undertaken as a family. When you finally open it, the cake smash photos will be like windows into a bygone era, allowing you to share stories and as you recall the day your baby turned one. It’s a beautiful way to create a bridge between the past and the present, a treasure chest of memories waiting to be rediscovered.

In conclusion, cake smash photos are not just cute snapshots; they are cherished memories waiting to be transformed into keepsakes that will warm your heart for years to come. As a professional cake smash photographer in Calgary, I’m here to help you capture these magical moments and turn them into unforgettable treasures. If you’re ready to experience cake smash photography with your little one, don’t hesitate to reach out to Amanda Dams Photography for a memorable and heartwarming session. Together, we’ll create beautiful memories that you’ll treasure forever.


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I'm Amanda

Welcome to my website! I am an award-winner maternity, newborn, baby and family photographer in Calgary, AB.



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